Call for Papers:
WoSPS: Workshop on Soft Processor Systems

In conjunction with the
The Seventeenth International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT)
Sunday/26 of October 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Processors implemented in programmable logic, called soft processors, are becoming increasingly important in both industry and academia. FPGA-based processors provide an easy way for software programmers to target FPGAs without having to write hardware-description language---hence designers of FPGA-based embedded systems are increasingly including soft processors in their designs. Soft processors will also likely play an important role in FPGA-based co-processors for high-performance computing. Furthermore, academics are embracing FPGA-based processors as the foundation of systems for faster architectural simulation. In all cases, we need to develop a deeper understanding of processor and multiprocessor architecture for this new medium.

This workshop will serve as a forum for academia and industry to discuss and present challenges, ideas, and recent developments in soft processors, soft multiprocessors, application-specific soft processors, and soft-processor-based accelerators and architectural simulation platforms.

Topics of Interest:


We are accepting both 1-2 page position papers and 4-6 page full papers, which should be non-blind and in standard 2-column ACM format. Please email a pdf of your paper to by the due date. Papers will be published in a hardcopy proceedings for attendees as well as online.

Important Dates


Please register for the workshop through the main PACT registration page


Kubilay Atasu, IBM
Steve Brown, Toronto
Guy Lemieux, UBC
Wayne Luk, Imperial College
Naraig Manjikian, Queens
Mazen Saghir, AUB
Greg Steffan, Toronto (Organizer)