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cuda_setup [2013/05/14 14:16] (current)
andreas created
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 +1. SSH to one of the machines from to range.
 +2. Define the necessary environment variables: "​source /​cad1/​CUDA/​cuda.csh"​
 +Add the above source command to your .cshrc file so it automatically takes effect at every login. The CUDA compilers and runtime need these variables defined to work properly.
 +After this stage, you should see CUDA_HOME variable already defined when you run "​setenv"​ command.
 +3. Install the SDK: "sh /​cad1/​CUDA/​"​. Accept the default settings. The script executes and finally gives "* Installation Complete"​ message. You should see "​NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK"​ directory created in your home directory. It takes around 250 MB of your disk space.
 +There should be several subdirectories under “NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK”. The CUDA examples are under “NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/​C”.
 +4. Let’s first build a number of shared libraries.
 +Change directory by executing "cd NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/​shared”
 +Compile: “make” ​
 +This creates the “release” version of the libraries. Some macros default to nothing in this version. You can also build a version for debugging: “make dbg=1”. ​ If you want to use the emulator you can build the emulated version: “make emu=1” or “make dbg=1 emu=1”. The same options apply to all makefiles found under the CUDA SDK.
 +Better compile the debug version as well: “make dbg=1”
 +5. Change directory to "​NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/​C/​common"​. ​
 +Compile the libraries: “make” . Ignore the warnings.
 +Compile the debug version as well: “make dbg=1”. Ignore the warnings.
 +Read what the library provides: “less cutil_readme.txt”.
 +6. Now let’s compile some of the examples which can be found under the “NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/​C/​src” directory each on its own subdirectory. ​
 +Change directory to the bandwidth test example: “cd ../​src/​bandwidthTest”.
 +Now you are under NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/​C/​src/​bandwidthTest”.
 +Compile the example: “make”
 +The executable is installed in NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/​C/​bin/​linux/​release
 + Compile the debug version as well: “make dbg=1”
 + Run the release version. You should see something like this:
 +[bandwidthTest] starting...
 +bandwidthTest Starting...
 +Running on...
 + ​Device 0: GeForce GTX 480
 + Quick Mode
 + Host to Device Bandwidth, 1 Device(s), Paged memory
 +   ​Transfer Size (Bytes) ​       Bandwidth(MB/​s)
 +   ​33554432 ​                    ​2228.2
 + ​Device to Host Bandwidth, 1 Device(s), Paged memory
 +   ​Transfer Size (Bytes) ​       Bandwidth(MB/​s)
 +   ​33554432 ​                    ​1564.1
 + ​Device to Device Bandwidth, 1 Device(s)
 +   ​Transfer Size (Bytes) ​       Bandwidth(MB/​s)
 +   ​33554432 ​                    ​119485.0
 +[bandwidthTest] test results...
 +Press ENTER to exit...
 +7. For creating your own new project, follow these steps:
 +There is a “template” project that you can copy and modify:
 +(a) Copy the template project:
 +cd  ~/​NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/​C/​src/​template
 +mkdir ../​myproject
 +cp -r * ../​myproject
 +(b) Edit the filenames of the project to suit your needs
 +mv template_gold.cpp myproject_gold.cpp
 +*** Alternatively,​ copy the files from the deviceQuery project. This example just uses a .cu file
 +in which you can write C code as well.
 +(c) Edit the Makefile and source files. Just search and replace all occurrences of "​template"​ with
 +"​myproject"​. You’ll need to change the Makefile and file “” that includes the test kernel #​include ​ <​>​.
 +(d) Build the project
 +You can build a debug version with "make dbg=1",​ an emulation version with "make emu=1",​ and
 +a debug emulation with "make dbg=1 emu=1"​. Similarly, you can build versions without debugging
 +support using just “make”.
 +(e) Run the program
 +(It should print "Test PASSED"​)
 +(f) Now modify the code to perform the computation you require. ​
cuda_setup.txt · Last modified: 2013/05/14 14:16 by andreas