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APS 105F - Computer Fundamentals

Project Requirements

Fall 1997

(Status report November 19/20)
(To be completed November 26/27)


Objective:   To do some interesting programming on your own

1 Requirements

  1. Come up with an interesting program that you would like to write. The program should be of reasonable size, minimally around 10 pages of code, including comments. The intent is for you to write something that is significantly longer than the exercises you have been doing.
  2. You may work in groups of up to three people, in which case the program should be proportionally larger. If you choose to work in a group, then you must partition the problem so that the contribution of each member can be identified. The best way to do this is for each person to be responsible for a number of procedures.
  3. You should fill out the proposal form attached and discuss it with a TA. The project should be approved by the end of the November 12/13 lab.
  4. You may use most programming languages, though if you have not got much C experience, it is recommended that you use C to get more practice. BASIC and HTML are not considered programming languages for the purposes of this project. If you want to use a language other than Turing/OOT, C, C++, or Java, you must get the approval of the instructor.
  5. You should be prepared by the start of the November 19/20 lab to discuss the current status of your project. One third of your project grade (5 marks out of 15) will be based on this assessment. You must be able to show detailed plans, in the form of things like diagrams and pseudo code, that show you have done significant planning and design. Having some pieces working would be good.
  6. You should be prepared to demonstrate your completed project by the start of the November 26/27 lab period. If your program will not run on the ECF machines, you must provide the means to do the demonstration. One third of your grade (5/15) is based on this demonstration. Note: It is better to demonstrate a small part that works than a large program that doesn't.
  7. You should submit a hardcopy of your program with suitable comments. This will constitute one third of your grade (5/15). It will be graded on understandability of the program from the hardcopy.

2 Topics

You should try to come up with your own topics.

However, if you are really stretched for ideas, consider a game (chess?), a simple word processor, a simple spread sheet calculator, a program to keep statistics for your hockey pool, or a program to track and predict the stock market.

The approval form is part of the postscript version.

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Paul Chow
Wed Nov 5 10:53:23 EST 1997