ECE243 Practice Question Website

Main Assembly Programming Input/Output Memory Computer Architecture Advanced Topics

Input/Output Questions

Question 11

Baud Rates
A processor uses a serial link to communicate with a keyboard for word processing. A typist using this keyboard can type at rates peaking at 120 words per minute, where a word is 6 characters (including spaces and punctuation). The characters will be transmitted from the keyboard in 8-bit ASCII with one stop bit and no parity. Only consider these and no special characters.
The programmer writes setup and polling service routines based on a minimum baud rate, but then finds that the keyboard will only interface at 19.2 Kbaud. Will the polling service routine have to change? Why or why not?


No it wont need to change.

Full Solution

No it won’t have to change. The interrupts will not come more frequently, just slightly faster after every keystroke. This is not something that necessitates change to the polling service routine.
Note that the setup routine would have to change to match the different baud rate