Compiler Optimization Framework for Light-Weight Software-Only Checkpointing

Speculative techniques have generated much interest as multi-core architecture is becoming increasingly popular. Any speculative technique needs to checkpoint programs memory states so that unsuccessful speculations can be recovered thoroughly and safely. Current bottleneck on checkpointing is the high software overhead of creating, saving and restoring individual checkpoints without hardware support.

In this talk, we present a light-weight software-only checkpointing framework that heavily leverages on compiler analysis and runtime techniques to aggressively optimize checkpointing performance. Programs are instrumented on source level through either programmer or compiler introduced annotations. Individual memory location is backed up only if there is a memory write into it. Optimizations focus on hoisting backup function calls from within loops and aggregating multiple backup calls into a single one covering a consecutive memory range, so that i) the number of backup calls is minimized and ii) the amount of to-be-copied memory is minimized. Finally, each memory backup operation is optimized from a function call into one or a few memory copy instructions, with only necessary bookkeeping structures for recovery.

Greg Steffan
Last modified: Fri Aug 31 10:24:54 EDT 2007