Compiler Optimization to Increase Communication-Communication Overlapping in MPI Programs

Non-blocking point-to-point communication in MPI programs can be used to hide communication time, by overlapping one communication with computation or other communication. A simple example for communication-communication overlapping is a loop containing a non-blocking receive operation, where starting receiving in one iteration does not have to wait for the completion of previous receive operations as long as it does not violate any dependence.

However, the communications are not always written in non-blocking form and it maynot be obvious for the programmer to do manual transformation. We propose a compiler optimization to overlap communication-communication as much as possible for loopscontaining MPI send/receive operations. Our algorithm is derived from the classic vectorization algorithm, which is based on data dependence, and the condition to"vectorize" a send/receive operation is that no dependence on the send/receive buffer is involved in a dependence cycle. Based on the dependence graph, the algorithm constructs the set of Strongly Connected Component (SCC), and after reducing each SCC into asingle node on the graph, the algorithm further topologically sorts the nodes into a worklist. Then the algorithm iterates the worklist, and if the current node contains any blocking MPI send/receive operation that qualifies the dependence requirement, it will transform the operation into non-blocking form and sink the wait operation outside of the loop. The loop may be distributed if necessary. Also some additional transformations, e.g. scalar expansion, can be applied to eliminate certain dependences.

The communication-communication overlapping algorithm is being developed in the IBM compiler TPO component. By applying the transformation manually on our testing kernels, we show that our optimization can reduce the communication time by 13% on a run with 32 processors.

Greg Steffan
Last modified: Wed Aug 26 18:21:38 EDT 2009