ECE354: Electronic Circuits

Spring 2024
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Toronto

Ali Sheikholeslami


IMPORTANT NOTE: All lectures/tutorials/labs will be held in person in 2024. For annoucements and course material, please login to Quercus

Tutorial Schedule:

Tue 9:00-10:00am BA B025
Note: Tutorials are weekly (not bi-weekly).
The first tutorial will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2024.

Problem Sets (from 8th Edition of Sedra/Smith):
Chapter 5: 53-56, 58 [Solutions correspond respectively to solutions of 54-57, 59 in the 7th Edition]
Chapter 8: 43, 44, 68, 70, 73 [Solutions correspond respectively to solutions of 42, 43, 66, 69, 73 in the 7th Edition]
Chapter 9: 2, 6, 19, 20-24, 57, 88, 90, 93, 116 [Solutions correspond to solutions of the same question numbers in the 7th Edition, except for 116 that corresponds to 126 in the 7th Edition]
Chapter 10: 2-4, 29, 38, 39(a,c,d,e), 51, 65, 70, 82, 84, 86 [Solutions correspond respectively to solutions of 14-16, 38, 51, 52(a,c,d,e), 53, 67, 80, 85, 98, 100, 102, 105c in the 7th Edition]
Chapter 11: 1, 4, 8, 10, 20, 22, 31, 37, 39, 42, 62, 67, 83, 99 [Solutions correspond respectively to slutions of 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 18, 25, 33, 40, 41, 45, 64, 65, 86, 104 in the 7th Edition]

Problem Sets (from 7th Edition of Sedra/Smith):
Chapter 5: 54, 55, 56, 57, 59
Chapter 8: 42, 43, 66, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 80 (c)
Chapter 9: 2, 6, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 57, 88, 90, 93, 126
Chapter 10: 14, 15, 16, 38, 51, 52(a)(c)(d)(e), 53, 67, 80, 85, 98, 100, 102, 105(c)
Chapter 11: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 18, 25, 33, 40, 41, 43, 45, 53, 64, 65, 86, 104, 106

Numerical Solutions to Problem Sets for 7th Edition:

Chapter 5 Solutions:
54. W/L=44.4, R=1250 Ohm
55. a) V1=-2V, V2=1V, V3=2V, V4=2V, V5=-2V, V6=3V, V7=1V
b) Circuits a,b,c) R = 1.5KOhm, d) R = 0.5KOhm
56. V1=-1V, V2=-1.43V, V3=-2.8V, V4=1V, V5=2.8V, V6=1V, V7=2.8V, V8=-1V
57. V1=0.66V, V2=-1.84V, V3=4.33V, V4=2.5V, V5=0.66V
59. I1=405uA, V2=1.5V, I3=217uA, V4=1.23V, V5=1.5V, I6=405uA

Chapter 8 Solutions:
42. gain=0.25*gm1*gm2*ro*ro, |Vov| = 0.25
43. a) Vov~=0.45V, Vgs~=0.95 V (neglect IF), IF=0.475 uA b) gain=-86.5, Vopeak=1.925V, Vipeak=22 mV c) 33.7k
66. Ro=(gm2ro2)ro1 // (gm3ro3)*ro4
69. 1/(gm2*ro2)
70. You have to prove something in this question, the gain of the cascode is much greater
6th Ed 7.32 doesn't exist in 7th
73. a) R1 = ro, R2 ~= (gmro)ro, R3 ~= ro b) i1 = gm*vi, i2 = i3 = i4 = i5 = i7 = 1/2*gm*vi, i6 = 0 c) v1 = v3 = -1/2(gmro)vi, v2 = -1/2(gmro)^2*vi
6th Ed 7.35 doesn't exist in 7th
74. W/L=100, VG1=1.2 V, VG2=1 V, VG3=0.8 V, R0=6.91MOhm
75. a) Ro1 = Ro2 = Ro5 = ro, Ro4 = (gmro)ro, Ro5 ~= 1/2(gmro)ro, Rin3 ~= ro b) Ro=1/3(gmro)ro c) proof d) gain=-300
80 (part c only). Ro=2.5 M, gain=-2500, Rin=infinity

Chapter 9 Solutions:
2. a) Vov=0.35 V Vsg=Vs=1.154 V b) Vcm,max=0.95 V Vcm,min=-2.3V
6. RD = 4KOhm, (W/L)1=(W/L)2=44.4, (W/L)3=22.2=4*(W/L)4, -0.2V <= VICM <= 0.5V
19. a) Ad = gm1(1/gm3 || ro3 || ro1] b) Ad ~= gm1/gm3 c) W1/W3=25
20 Ad=Vod/vid=gm*Rd/(1+gm*Rs/2), if Rs=0, Ad=gmRd, set Rs=2/gm for half gain
21 a) VS1=VS2 (assuming matching components), VS1=-(Vt+Vov) b) Vov3=Vc+Vov
21 c) Rs = 1/gm1(Vov1/Vov3) d) i) Vc=0V ii) Vc=Vov
22 a) VS1=VS2=-(Vt+Vov), Id3=Id4=0, Vov3=Vov4=Vov1=Vov2, rds3=rds4=1/(kn'(W/L)_{3,4} * Vov3,4),
Rs=2*rds_{3,4}=2*(W/L)_{1,2} / (gm_{1,2} * (W/L)_{3,4})
22 b) Ad=gm_{1,2}*Rd/(1+gm_{1,2}*(W/L)_{1,2}/((W/L)_{3,4}*2*gm_{1,2}))
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7
uCox 100 100 100 250 250 100 250 uA/V^2
ID 100 100 200 100 100 200 200 uA
|Vov| 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 V
W/L 50 50 100 20 20 100 40
|VGS| 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 V

24 a) ID1=I/3, ID2=2I/3 b) Vov=sqrt(2/3*I/(Kn'*(W/L))) c) Ad=8/9*I*RD/Vov
57. a) VCM = 2.332 V, b) RD = 5.06kOhm c) VD1 = VD2 = 2.47V d) Delta_VD1/Delta_VCM = -1.92 e) Delta_VCM = 0.287
88. I = 0.25mA
90. Proof
93. Proof
126. Proof

Chapter 10 Solutions:
14. 7.1Ghz
15. Proof
16. 5.73 GHz, 11.46 GHz
38. Proof, c) (i) RL' = 25kOhm, fH = 63.7kHz, (ii) RL' = 2.5kOhm, fH = 637kHz, If fH = GB = 6.37MHz then RL' = 250 Ohm
51. f_3dB ~= fp1 = 2MHz
52. a)DC gain of 1000 c)GB = 100MHz d) ft = 100MHz e) ft = 10MHz when 2nd pole appears
53. 4.26, 49.3
6th Ed 9.52 doesn't exist in 7th
6th Ed 9.59 doesn't exist in 7th
6th Ed 9.69 doesn't exist in 7th
105. c) 3 GHz
67. Proof
80. 156 kHz or 532 kHz (if Cgs and Cgd values are swapped)
85. a) Vov = 0.25V b) Ad = 14.5V/V c) fH ~= 159 MHz d) fH = 27.8 MHz
98. Proof
100. Proof
102. fp1 = 637 kHz, fp2 = 6.37 MHz, gain=25V/V

Chapter 11 Solutions:
* In these solutions and unless otherwise stated, b is used to represent "beta".
1: b=4.9e-3, -15.3%
3: b=1, Af=0.999, 60dB, -0.011%
5: a) Difference/Ideal = 100/(Ab) %, b) i) Ab >= 1000, ii) Ab >= 100, iii) Ab >= 20
7: A = 2500, Af = 50, A/Af = 50 or 34dB, Ab = 49, b = 0.0196
10: Ab = 4
18: Amf=Am/(1+Amb), Wlf=Wl/(1+Amb)
25: b = 0.089, For |vs| <= 0.9V, vo/vs = 11.1, 0.9V <= |vs|<=1.4V, vo/vs = 10.1, |vs| >= 1.4V, vo = +/-15V
6th Ed 10.26 doesn't exist in 7th
53: a) RF = 200Ohm b) A = 1418.4mA/V c) Ab = 283.7 d) Af = 4.982 mA/V e) Ro ~= ugmroRF = 8MOhm
6th Ed 10.34 doesn't exist in 7th
40: long e)Af=0.988 Rof=5.9Ohm f) b = 0.188, R2 = 4.319 MOhm
41: b) 10 c)Vs1=0.2 Vg3=0.9 Vg2=1.1 d) [A1,A2,A3]=[-35.3,-50,0.935] A=1650 e)b = 0.1 f) Af = 9.94 g)Rof = 5.6Ohm
33: a) A = 47.62 b) b = 0.179, R2 = 179 kOhm
43: a) (W/L)1 = (W/L)2 =(W/L)6 = 16, (W/L)3 = (W/L)4 = (W/L)7 = 32, (W/L)5 = 8.9, (W/L)8 = 80 b) -1.25<=VICM<=2.25 c)gm5=0.67mA/V d) ro7 = 100kOhm, ro5=ro8 = 10/0.25 = 40kOhm e) b = 0.078, R1 = 92.2 kOhm f) Rout = 300Ohm
45: b) b = 0.2, R2 = 80 kOhm d) A = 928.5V/V e) 1+Ab = 186.7 f) Af = 4.97 V/V g) Rin ~= 19.98MOhm, h) Ro ~= 497.5Ohm, Rout ~= 2.66Ohm, i) fhf = 18.67 kHz, j) % change is -0.47%
64: a)RF = 20kOhm b)Rin ~= 21.7Ohm, Rout=22.1Ohm c) fhf = 82.18 kHz
65: a) VD1 = 1.4V b) gm=4mA/V, ro= 40k, g) b = -0.1 mA/V, Ab = 155.15, Af = -9.94kOhm, Rin = 64 Ohm, Rout = 1.55 Ohm
86: b>2.42e-3
104: C = 15.9 nF
106: Ab = 10^5/[(1+s/10)*(1+s/10^3)] a) f1 = 3.16e4 Hz when |Ab| = 1 b) PM = 1.8deg c) Af(s), zero at sz = - 10^3 rad/s, poles are complex at s = (-0.505 +/- j31.62) x 10^3 rad/s, at s = 0, Af ~= 1

Past Exam Questions:
Please login to Quercus to see past exam questions.

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