


Annuller (Both Kinds)

Takes in a word-wide signal, and passes it through, unless annul is high, then the signal is gated to zero. We put something this simple into a module since it conveys design intent (e.g.: "turn this opcode into a no-op"), and avoids an RTL schematic cluttered with a bunch of gates.

Annulling shows up in many designs: instead of using a multiplexer, we can selectively annul all but one input and OR-reduce to a result, which uses the final LUTs more efficiently. While this is how a multiplexer works internally, breaking it open like this allows us to control the pipelining directly (which is relevant if you are going to have a lot of inputs), and allows us to select alternative conflict resolutions if two or more inputs remain after annulling:

Essentially, Annulling allows us to easily think about calculating multiple things in parallel and keeping only the results we want. However, throwing away work increases performance at the expense of efficiency. Try to use the lost information if you can.

Implementation Options

Some experimentation by others has shown that CAD tools will pattern-match on the description of the gating operation, resulting in different synth results depending on whether you describe the signal gating using a multiplexer or an AND gate. The synthesized logic may end up using the reset/clear pin of a flip-flop, or may create AND-gate logic after the flip-flop, which then gets folded into other LUT logic. Thus, both implementation are available via the IMPLEMENTATION parameter.

The Annuller implementation does not generally matter. However, on FPGAs, the reset/clear signal is common to all flip-flops in a group (known as a CLB (Common Logic Block) for Xilinx, or a LAB (Logic Array block) for Intel). Thus, flip-flops driven by different reset/clear logic cannot be packed together, though since an Annuller applies the same reset/clear logic to all signals, they should pack normally.

Register retiming may also be affected, again due to the reset/clear signals, but again, this is a minor problem if one at all. Assume things are fine, and check your synthesis results if a bottleneck appears.

`default_nettype none

module Annuller
    parameter       WORD_WIDTH          = 0,
    parameter       IMPLEMENTATION      = ""
    input   wire                        annul,
    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    data_in,
    output  reg     [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    data_out

    localparam ZERO = {WORD_WIDTH{1'b0}};

    initial begin
        data_out = ZERO;

        if (IMPLEMENTATION == "MUX") begin : gen_mux
            always @(*) begin
                data_out = (annul == 1'b0) ? data_in : ZERO;
        if (IMPLEMENTATION == "AND") begin : gen_and
            always @(*) begin
                data_out = data_in & {WORD_WIDTH{annul == 1'b0}};


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