


A Round-Robin Arbiter

Returns a one-hot grant bitmask selected from one of the raised request bits in a word, in round-robin order, going from least-significant bit (highest priority) to most-significant bit (lowest priority), and back around. A grant is held until the request is released.

Unset request bits are skipped, which avoids wasting time. Requests can be raised or dropped before their turn comes, but this must be done synchronously to the clock. Grants are calculated combinationally from the requests, so pipeline as necessary. If the requests_mask bit corresponding to a requests bit is zero, then that request cannot be granted that cycle. The round-robin always continues from the last granted request, even after an idle period of no requests, unless clear is asserted.


A common use-case for an arbiter is to drive a one-hot multiplexer to select one of multiple senders requesting for one receiver, or one of multiple receivers requesting from one sender. This arrangement requires that the requestors can raise and hold a requests bit, wait until they receive the correspondig grant bit to begin their transaction, and to drop their requests bit only once they are done. This is very similar to a ready/valid handshake, except that the transaction cannot be interrupted, else the granted access is lost.


Here, we implement a "mask method" round-robin arbiter, as described in Section 4.2.4, Figure 12 of Matt Weber's Arbiters: Design Ideas and Coding Styles.

A round-robin arbiter is commonly used to fairly divide a resource amongst multiple requestors, in proportion to each requestor's activity, since each requestor holds a grant until they lower their request. Idle requestors don't use up any of the arbitrated resource. A frequent requestor will not obstruct other requestors perpetually.

However, this round-robin arbiter does not deal with some subtleties of fairness. For example, it's possible that under normal operation, one requestor ends up placing a request always just before the previous requestor finishes. Thus, that new request waits less than the others. One solution periodically takes a snapshot of the current pending requests, and services all of these requests before refreshing the snapshot.


To enable the creation of custom fairness adjustments, the requests_mask input can be used to exclude one or more requests from being granted in the current cycle, and must be updated synchronously to the clock. The requests_mask is arbitrary, and if desired can be calculated from the current requests, the grant_previous one-hot output which always holds the last given grant even if the requests are currently all idle, and the current one-hot grant output.

If unused, leave requests_mask set to all-ones, and the masking logic will optimize away.

`default_nettype none

module Arbiter_Round_Robin
    parameter INPUT_COUNT = 0
    input   wire                        clock,
    input   wire                        clear,

    input   wire    [INPUT_COUNT-1:0]   requests,
    input   wire    [INPUT_COUNT-1:0]   requests_mask,  // Set to all-ones if unused.
    output  wire    [INPUT_COUNT-1:0]   grant_previous,
    output  reg     [INPUT_COUNT-1:0]   grant

    localparam ZERO = {INPUT_COUNT{1'b0}};

    initial begin
        grant = ZERO;

We need to detect if any requests are active: when all requests go idle, we want to remember the last granted request. Otherwise, that lost state means the round-robin restarts from the highest priority request rather than the next lower priority request after the last granted request.

Always granting the highest priority first after an idle period allows a pathological request pattern to cause starvation: all but the highest priority request would starve if they keep asserting and de-asserting in lock-step after an idle period.

    reg any_requests_active = 1'b0;

    always @(*) begin
        any_requests_active = (requests != ZERO);

For the same reasons, we need to detect when we leave an idle request period so we can, for that cycle, refuse to grant again the last granted request, which would otherwise cause starvation of other requests happening in lock-step.

    wire out_from_idle;

        .clock              (clock),
        .level_in           (any_requests_active),
        .pulse_posedge_out  (out_from_idle),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .pulse_negedge_out  (),
        .pulse_anyedge_out  ()
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY

Grant a request in priority order (LSB has higest priority) after applying requests_mask. This is the base case which starts the round-robin.

    reg [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] requests_masked_priority = ZERO;

    always @(*) begin
        requests_masked_priority = requests & requests_mask;

    wire [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] grant_priority;

        .word_in    (requests_masked_priority),
        .word_out   (grant_priority)

Mask-off all requests of equal and higher priority than the request currently granted, from the previous cycle. This masking makes the round-robin progress towards lower priority requests as the previously granted higher priority requests are released. The thermometer_mask must be inverted before use.

    wire [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] thermometer_mask;

        .word_in    (grant_previous),
        .word_out   (thermometer_mask)

    reg [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] round_robin_mask = ZERO;

    always @(*) begin
        round_robin_mask = ~thermometer_mask;

The round_robin_mask excludes the currently granted request, which we don't want to interrupt, so we OR the currently granted request bit into the round_robin_mask so we only mask-off all higher priority requests, leaving the currently granted request as highest priority.

EXCEPTION: If we are returning from an all-idle request phase, we instead zero-out that granted request bit, so the round-robin can resume to the next lower priority request based on the round_robin_mask, instead of possibly re-granting the same request again.

The round_robin_mask is further masked, in the same manner, by the requests_mask input, which may prevent the granting of some requests of lower priority after the currently granted request is released.

    reg [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] requests_masked_round_robin   = ZERO;
    reg [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] grant_previous_gated          = ZERO;

    always @(*) begin
        grant_previous_gated        = (out_from_idle == 1'b1) ? ZERO : grant_previous;
        requests_masked_round_robin = requests & (round_robin_mask | grant_previous_gated) & (requests_mask | grant_previous_gated);

Grant a request in priority order, but from the round-robin masked requests, which only contain requests of equal or lower priority to the currently granted request, minus any requests further masked by the requests_mask input.

    wire [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] grant_round_robin;

        .word_in    (requests_masked_round_robin),
        .word_out   (grant_round_robin)

If no round-robin granted requests remain, then instead grant from the priority requests, which starts over the round-robin at the highest priority (LSB) request. This also resets round_robin_mask.

    always @(*) begin
        grant = (grant_round_robin == ZERO) ? grant_priority : grant_round_robin; 

Remember the last granted request so we can compute round_robin_mask to exclude higher priority requests than the last granted request. If all requests go idle, don't update, so we can continue the round-robin from where we left off when requests appear again, to avoid starvation of lower priority requests.

        .WORD_WIDTH     (INPUT_COUNT),
        .RESET_VALUE    (ZERO)
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (any_requests_active),
        .clear          (clear),
        .data_in        (grant),
        .data_out       (grant_previous)


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