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Project Information

As part of this course you are required to do a programming project. The goal is to implement an interesting algorithm in CUDA and optimize it as much as you can for performance. Ideally the algorithm will be solving an interesting research or practical problem. The ideal team will have two members where one of the team members is directly interested in using the CUDA implemented algorithm in their own research or work. The other team member will ideally be from different backgrounds and be experienced C/C++ programmers. Working alone is possible but is discouraged. Larger teams will not be accepted unless, of course, you can offer a strong argument why having a larger team is necessary.

You will be evaluated on how well you described the problem you are trying to solve using CUDA and how well you document the progress you made in the CUDA implementation. Ultimately, the most important aspect of the evaluation is how well you document what you did, why you did it, what was the outcome, and what would be the next possible steps.


There are five milestones. First you are encouraged to meet with me and discuss your plans. This is not mandatory but it is strongly encouraged. Second, you should submit a short description of the proposed project . Mid-way through your project you will have to submit a written update on your project’s progress. At the end of the course you will have to give a 10-minute presentation. Finally, you have to submit a final project report. Here are the dates you should remember:

          Tuesday, Nov. 9                               Project Proposal due on-line by 23:59pm EST
                                                                              NO LATE PROPOSALS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
          Tuesday, Nov.  23rd                          Project Progress report due on-line by 23:59pm EST
                                                                              NO LATE REPORTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
          December    1-3 OR 9-10 (TBD)                              Project Presentations
          Tuesday, December 13th                           Final Project report due on-line by 11:59am EST
                                                                      NO LATE REPORTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.


The proposal should be at most 1000 words, plus references as needed. Submit an HTML file (hint: Microsoft Word and most WYSIYG editors can produce HTML files).

Please explain in the following order:

1. Introduction/Motivation: This should be written so that someone that is not necessarily in your field can appreciate what the applications are and why this is an important problem.

2. Topic, i.e., what are you going to do.

3. Methodology: How will you measure performance? How will you measure numerical accuracy? In general, try to address the question “how would one know how well your program works”.

4. Goal: What you promise to deliver at the end. Feel free to say what else you might be able to do, if for whatever reason you manage to reach the goals earlier than expected.

Remember: while these may evolve or change you are required to start with a meaningful plan. No point starting something if you cannot articulate why this might be interesting or doable.

Do not feel obliged to submit close to 1000 words. Conciseness will be greatly appreciated.

If you prefer that we do not post your code and presentation please state so. Feel free to use this course to develop code that you can directly used in your work/research/


500 words less. What you have done so far. Difficulties faced. Any changes in your plan.


Try to limit this to at most 4000 words. (Remember: it’s easy to write a lot of text. It’s hard to write concise.) An approximate format is:

1. Introduction: Motivation and Problem statement. BRIEFLY. Also conclude with forecasting what your method and most important results are.

2. Expanded motivation if needed.

3. Related Work. It is your responsibility to find and report any related work.

4. Explanation of the algorithm and then of its implementation.

5. Methodology. summary of your metrics and WHY are you using them, plus description of the experiments.

6. Evaluation. One by one the results.

7. Conclusions. “I am so good I cannot stand myself. Maybe I should donate my brain to science” put in less obvious terms. Future directions (not left or right).

project_info.txt · Last modified: 2010/10/22 15:06 by andreas
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