Writing /fs1/eecg/moshovos/a/a3/moshovos/public_www/filter/data/cache/8/8c35a96c42d43c1a653cab1cce70057c.i failed
Unable to save cache file. Hint: disk full; file permissions; safe_mode setting.
Writing /fs1/eecg/moshovos/a/a3/moshovos/public_www/filter/data/cache/8/8c35a96c42d43c1a653cab1cce70057c.i failed
Unable to save cache file. Hint: disk full; file permissions; safe_mode setting.
Writing /fs1/eecg/moshovos/a/a3/moshovos/public_www/filter/data/cache/8/8c35a96c42d43c1a653cab1cce70057c.xhtml failed

An extreme example that requires very little area and energy overhead is the filter introduced by Atoofian and Banisadi. This filter consists of a table of saturating counters at each cache, with one counter for each processor core in the system. On a snoop request to read data, the cache only performs a tag lookup if the counter corresponding to the core that sent the snoop request is saturated, otherwise it speculatively returns a negative reply. If a core incorrectly returns a negative response, either another core will have a copy of the same block and return a positive reply, or the requester will not receive any positive replies and it will re-broadcast its request and force all cores to perform lookups. A saturating counter is incremented when a cache supplies data in response to a snoop request from the coresponding core, and it is reset to zero when a snoop request from the coresponding core fails to find the data in the cache. This snoop filter requires very little on-chip area and consumes very little energy, and for some workloads that exhibit high levels of supplier locality, such as SPLASH-2, this filter works very well. However, for workloads that do not exhibit supplier locality, the need to re-broadcast snoops when a snoop is filtered incorrectly can result in significant performance losses.

E. Atoofian and A. Baniasadi, “Using Supplier Locality in Power-Aware Interconnects and Caches in Chip Multiprocessors”, Journal of Systems Architecture, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 507-518, October 2007.

atoofian_and_baniasadi.txt · Last modified: 2010/10/12 15:48 by andreas
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