ECE243 Practice Question Website

Main Assembly Programming Input/Output Memory Computer Architecture Advanced Topics

Assembly Programming Questions

Question 3

Consider the following --

		org 	$0B0000
	MyVal 	dc.l 	$123456

The 68000 instructions in the following table have sources with the same effective addresses (see the first entry in the table).
move.l MyVal,d0 d0 =
move.w $14(a0),d1 a0 =
move.b (a1)+,d2 a1 =
move.l -(a5),d3 a5 =

a0 = $AFFEA, a1 = $B0000, a5 = $B0004

On the right side of the table fill in the values contained in the registers after the instruction completes.


move.l MyVal,d0 d0 = $123456
move.w $14(a0),d1 a0 = $AFFEA
move.b (a1)+,d2 a1 = $B0001
move.l -(a5),d3 a5 = $B0000