Middleware 2004

ACM/IFIP/USENIX 5th International Middleware Conference

Renaissance Toronto Hotel at SkyDome

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

October 18th - 22nd, 2004

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Student Travel Grants Program

Middleware 2004 is pleased to announce its Student Travel Grant Program. The purpose of the program is to encourage graduate student participation at the conference by partially or fully funding the travel costs of students who would otherwise be unable to attend. Middleware 2004 thanks ACM, BBN, IFIP, IBM Research, and USENIX for funding the program this year.

Who should apply

Applications are accepted from graduate students at degree granting institutions throughout the world.

The funding decisions will be based as much as possible on the needs expressed by student and adviser in the grant application (see description below) and on what the individual may get from the conference and may bring to the conference.

The funding will pay travel and accommodation costs up to $1,000.00 (for details see below.)

While any graduate student may apply for this travel support, the selection process will give preference to graduate students without sufficient travel funding who would not be able to attend the conference without this support.
Our assumption is that graduate students who have submitted research papers to this conference, including WiP papers, workshop papers, and posters, will be funded by their institutions to participate in the conference (normal practice for academic conferences.)
Each student is expected to provide part of the travel cost herself to participate in the conference.
Other selection criteria will include evidence of a serious interest in middleware, as demonstrated by coursework, publications, and project experiences, and advanced standing of the student in her program (i.e., 2nd year graduate student, past the master's degree level.)

What is covered

Legitimate costs covered by a grant include the student's travel (e.g., economy air), food, and lodging. The breakdown of costs will differ based on the locations of the students. Each travel grant will cover actual costs (as evidenced by original receipts) up to a limit of $1000 per student travelling from abroad and up to $500 per student travelling from within North America.

Who decides

The recipients of the travel grants will be decided by a committee chaired by

    Daby M Sow

How to apply

An application for a travel grant will consist of a letter from the student (in plain ASCII as email, no longer than one printed A4 page) and a recommendation letter from the student's adviser (in plain ASCII as email, no longer than one printed A4 page). The letter from the student should

  • indicate why the student believes he or she would benefit from attending the Middleware 2004 conference,

  • indicate what the student believes he or she is contributing to the Middleware 2004 conference,

  • contain a brief summary of research interests and accomplishments to date, as related to middleware systems research,

  • describe areas reflected in the Middleware 2004 program that will impact the student's research.

In addition, the student's adviser should send a letter of recommendation to the committee,

  • confirming that the student is a graduate student in good standing and confirm the year and program the student currently enrolled in,

  • provide a detailed account of the financial needs and why the student cannot be funded through other means,

  • indicating why the adviser believes the student would benefit from attending the conference,

  • giving the advisor's opinion about the strengths and potential contributions of the student, as related to middleware systems research.

Send the application and recommendation letters by e-mail to Daby Sow(sowdaby@us.ibm.com) in plain ASCII as email message **ONLY**. Letters of support should be no longer than one printed A4 page. Any material beyond that length will not be considered. Requests in other than the specified formats will be outright rejected. Any questions about the student travel grant program may be addressed to the same address.

Important dates

A deadline of Sunday, August 29th, 2004, has been set for the receipt of applications, both for the letter of the student and of the adviser. The recipients selected by the committee will be notified around mid-September, 2004. Each recipient will be required to accept the grant within three days of notice, so that alternates can be notified in the event that a recipient declines. For that reason, rejection decision will be sent out after the above indicated date, i.e., after all awards have been distributed. (All deadlines are 5 PM EST.)

Latest update: November 2003 - Questions and Comments about the Site: jacobsen@eecg.toronto.edu